Greeting, Happy Haunts (and Foolish Mortals...) !
Well here, are some sketches for set Ideas, for my wee 'Story of Gracey Manor' Show pet project.
I am designing several peices to move around and can be used together, so that I can create the many differant scenes and places. These include the exterior of the mansion, a garden, a graveyard and a fairground as well as the numerous rooms and halls inside the manion.
The first peice is the main interior peice.
It features a spiral staircase teisting around a town, which, when pillars are placed in front of it, create the exterior of the house.
The design draws from many differant aspects of the ride. The railings on the stairs are inspired by the railings on the exterior of the mansion in Anaheim, and the top of the tower is modeled on the tower from the Florida version of the ride. The stairs also use forced perspective to create the illusion of height.
The bricked area on the tower will be made of scrim, so that I can light it from behind. This'll be useful when creating the Attic Bride and Master Gracey/Ghost Host hanging himself.
Below you can see the behind of the tower.
The set will be spin round to reveal this side. This would be used for outside scenes, such as the Graveyard or the Garden, and for scenes in which a charatcers stands on a balcony, or in a bedroom or upstairs etc etc.
When the tower peice is placed behind a set of pillars it'll create the outside of the mansion....
Well, I hope you like what you see. Other set peices that im working on include, another staircase (which will form a mansion corridor and the ballroom), the main gates, as well as several smaller peices such as Cranvial tents, the graveyard (havent a clue how im gonna create that...) and the wedding/party.
In case anyone is confused, this is NOT a show that will go into production. This is an imaginary show that I am designing and writing. Its what I do. :D
Bye bye.