I know - you may be shocked, terrified even, but its true. I am a huge fan of musicals and theatre and drama. In my spare time I write reviews for my local Arts Centre and design sets and costumes for shows thats I make up in my mind. But enough of that -
A few days ago, (9/9/09) I was sitting in my room and listening to the Haunted Mansion soundtrack thinking about all the lucky people that had tickets and could make it to the 40th Anniversary event in the States.... when it occured to me. What if there was a show (not nessarily an all-danceing, all-star musical) of some sorts, that told the story of Gracey Manor, and tried to capture the atmosphere and origanality of the origanal ride thorugh drama?
Now no doubt many of you are thinking that this is a terrible idea. Just an easy way to kill and brutily murder a beloved peice of Disney History. No doubt you may have seen the short ''dramatic'' peice that was put on at the 40th Anniversary dinner (if not, see it here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odwsZMQP3aY ).
I personally think it was a bit naff. Sorry.
So I set to work on designing and creating a (hypothetical) show of my own.....mwhahahahahahaha!
Obviosly many many people have tried to explain the story of the Manor and how it became full of so many ghosts. The story and plot that ive drawn up, is basically just hogde-podged from a serious of fan-stories, film-scripts and the storylines from the Phantom Manor, and frankly its a bit simple. I'm an artiste - not a a playwright. If you have any ideas, please let me know.
Again, i'll be posting more sketches, plot ideas and script extracts as I go on. Its kinda becoming my own wee project.
Bye bye.
oh wow!! you know i've had this idea recently during a production of "My Fair Lady" we (the cast) were all dancing in the ballroom scene and i thought "man, this reminds me of the haunted mansion ghosts," then the thought hit me..... how cool would it be?!?